Passover Guides and Haggadah Supplements |
![]() Creating Lively Passover Seders: An Interactive Sourcebook of Tales, Texts & Activities By David Arnow |
A guide to help you invigorate your Seder, create lively discussions, and make personal connections with the Exodus story today.
For many people, the act of simply reading the Haggadah no longer fulfills the Passover Seder’s purpose: to help you feel as if you personally had gone out of Egypt. Too often, the ritual meal has become predictable, boring, and uninspiring. Creating Lively Passover Seders is an innovative, interactive guide to help encourage fresh perspectives and lively dialogue. This intriguing Haggadah companion offers thematic discussion topics, text study ideas, activities, and readings that come alive in the traditional group setting of the Passover Seder. Each activity and discussion idea aims to:
"The Mishnah implies that no two Seders should be the same," claims Arnow, who has created a new Haggadah pamphlet each year to distribute among friends and family. In this innovative book, he urges readers to make the ritual their own, using Passover as an opportunity to better understand and internalize Judaism, freedom and faith. Each chapter begins with a short selection from the Haggadah, followed by Arnow's interpretations, ideas for discussion of relevant topics (e.g. miracles, slavery, exile) and suggestions for hands-on activities. Some adults may find these activities cheesy, but Passover has always been a holiday in which children are actively involved, and they will love "marching" from Egypt to the Red Sea, or stepping outdoors mid-meal to gaze at the full moon. |
![]() The Seder Activity Book By Judy Dick |
Here are 4 questions that occur at many a Passover seder table- Is
it dinner yet?, What does this mean to me?, Why can’t this be more
fun?, and (again) Is it dinner yet?? Our new Seder Activity Book
attempts to give an answer to these questions. With quiet games and
activities that actively involve children in the Passover Seder, children will
enjoy using their Seder Activity Book at their seats as they follow
along with the leader. As they flip through the pages of the book they will learn
all about the order of the Seder and the rituals associated with it.. They will
delight in activities such as decorating a Seder invitation, completing dot-to-dots,
and discovering why and how we celebrate Passover. Don’t be surprised if this
book doesn’t just stay at the “kid’s” table! Teachers can also make learning fun
in the classroom by using this book to teach about Passover.
![]() Passover: The Family Guide to Spiritual Celebration By Dr. Ron Wolfson |
Thousands of families have benefited from the information and wise advice in the original edition of this book. This updated edition will help families experience a meaningful holiday though its explanation of the concepts behind Passover ritual and ceremony with step-by-step procedures for observance and preparing the home for the holiday.
Passover, 2nd Edition, provides readers with:
![]() Keeping Passover: Everything You Need to Know to Bring the Ancient Tradition to Life and Create Your Own Passover Celebration By Ira Steingroot |
"Although the idea of 'keeping Passover' has too often come to mean the strict observance of an unending string of ordinances, decrees, rules, regulations, testimonies, precepts, laws, and statutes, it can as well mean the safekeeping of something precious and worth preserving. Tradition should be like the ballast that keeps a ship steady in an ocean of constant stormy change."From one of the nation's leading Haggadah experts comes the ultimate guide to creating a faithful and personal seder celebration. Emphasizing "thou may" instead of "thou shalt," Steingroot presents all the traditional and alternative options. Keeping Passover explores:
![]() The Haggadah with Answers: The Classic Commentators Respond to Over 200 Questions By Yaakov Wehl |
In the familiar world of Haggadah literature, can there be something new under the sun? With every family’s Pesach shelf groaning under the weight of so many Haggadahs, can there be a new Haggadah that is materially different from the others? Or -- in the parlance of Pesach -- how is this Haggadah commentary different from every other Haggadah commentary?
It is very different, very useful, and sure to be very popular and very widely consulted. Compiled by the noted Torah scholar, Rabbi Yaakov Wehl, this commentary is in question-and-answer form. It contains over two hundred questions on the Haggadah -- the sort of questions that anyone might have asked, or wished he had asked. There is hardly a query on the Haggadah that is not included somewhere in this collection. The answers? They are drawn from the broad gamut of classic commentators, from their writings on the Torah, the Talmud, or the Haggadah. Virtually everything one could wish for is between the covers of this Haggadah. In its Hebrew version, Ki Yishal’cha Vin’cha, this commentary has had many printings and become a popular, standard text in America, Israel, and elsewhere. The English version is more than a mere translation. It takes the anthology of classic texts and explains them clearly and articulately. It sheds new light on many obscure parts of the Haggadah. This Haggadah will be a revelation even to accomplished scholars and veteran teachers. In it, Rabbi Wehl’s immense erudition and pedagogical skills are placed at the service of the broad Jewish public. It is a welcome service of great proportions. |
![]() A Passover Seder Companion and Analytic Introduction to the Haggadah By Martin Sicker |
The Passover Seder, the most popular and widely celebrated occasion on the annual Jewish calendar, and its Haggadah, which is a unique combination of liturgy, biblical exegesis, and rabbinic lore, have both delighted and confounded celebrants for nearly two thousand years. Over time, the traditional Haggadah has become increasingly obscure as the distance between the authors and readers, in both chronological and cultural terms, widens over time. This is because the Haggadah is essentially a rabbinic work, much of which is written in a style similar to that found in the classic works of Rabbinic Judaism such as the Talmud and Midrash, works that demand much more from those who would understand them than casual perusal.
Although some good translations of the Haggadah have appeared over the years, even the best is necessarily an interpretation as well, and may tend to obscure some of the nuances in the original language of composition that permit alternative explanations of the author's intent. The problem of maintaining fidelity to the original has become exacerbated as efforts to make the text more relevant to the modern reader have in some instances introduced assertions that, while essentially meaningful, bear little direct relation to the language and likely intent of the original work. This book strives to unravel the mysteries of the traditional text of the Haggadah and provide the reader insight into the highly sophisticated thought of its authors. |
![]() In Every Generation: A Treasury of Inspiration for Passover and the Seder By Sidney Greenberg & Pamela Roth |
This rich and uplifting anthology devoted to the holiday of Passover brings together many highly creative and prominent contemporary writers whose contributions all serve to enhance our experience of the Seder, the most ancient, continuously celebrated ceremony which the Jewish people have observed throughout the generation.
During the Passover Seder, we read from the Haggadah that "in every generation" it is our obligation to retell the story of the exodus from Egypt. The editors of In Every Generation: A Treasury of Inspiration for Passover and the Seder help us to fulfill this mitzvah by selecting from among the finest teachers of our time, each of whom offers timely and timeless insight into the major themes as well as the details of this holy Jewish festival. Among the inspiring and diverse authors to be found in this exceptional volume are Elie Wiesel, Lawrence Kushner, Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Shlomo Riskin, and Peninnah Schram, to name a few. Although the contributors to this volume represent a wide spectrum within the Jewish community, all have been carefully chosen to enrich our appreciation of this holiday in general, and the family Seder in particular. Rabbi Sidney Greenberg, well known for his many fine anthologies on a variety of Jewish topics, and Pamela Roth, the Managing Editor of the Jewish Book Club, have searched through the literature, looking for the best writing on the many fundamental aspects of Passover. Selections include essays on important topics such as the spiritual preparation necessary for participation at a Seder, the concepts and realities of freedom and slavery in ancient and modern life, the contemporary meaning of the many symbols connected to this holiday, and even a look at the relationship between the Passover Seder and the psychotherapeutic process. Also included is a description of a Passover Seder by a Jewish prisoner in a federal institution. Many families often look for additional readings on Passover themes in order to supplement their Seders, and in doing so they too participate in the Divine Commandment to retell the story of the Children of Israel and their exodus from Egypt. In Every Generation: A Treasury of Inspiration for Passover and the Seder is the perfect sourcebook to prepare for and to celebrate the Passover holiday. |
![]() The Haggadah Companion By Rabbi Avrohom Schwartz |
The ideal dvar Torah book for your Seder! Rabbi Avrohom Schwartz's collection of concise, easy-to-read divrei Torah is invaluable for anyone looking for something unique--and to the point--to say at the seder. This handy book even provides room for you to add your own individual insights, halachic additions, and favorite commentaries. An indispensable tool for educators, students, or anyone who wants a memorable dvar Torah!
![]() The Women's Seder Sourcebook: Rituals and Readings for Use at the Passover Seder By Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld, Tara Mohr, and Catherine Spector |
The complete sourcebook for creating your own women's seder.
The Women's Seder Sourcebook provides the tools you need to bring women's voices to your Passover celebration, create a women's seder of your own, and share in the unique perspectives that contemporary Jewish women are bringing to our evolving understanding of this holiday. Organized according to the order of the seder, this comprehensive collection includes:
![]() The Women's Passover Companion : Women's Reflections on the Festival of Freedom By Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld, Tara Mohr, and Catherine Spector |
A powerful--and empowering--gathering of women's voices transmitting Judaism's Passover legacy to the next generation.
The Women's Passover Companion offers an in-depth examination of women's relationships to Passover as well as the roots and meanings of women's seders. This groundbreaking collection captures the voices of Jewish women--rabbis, scholars, activists, political leaders, and artists--who engage in a provocative conversation about the themes of the Exodus and exile, oppression and liberation, history and memory, as they relate to contemporary women's lives. Whether seeking new insights into the text and tradtions of Passover or learning about women's seders for the first time, both women and men will find this collection an inspiring introduction to the Passover season and an eye-opening exploration of questions central to Jewish women, to Passover, and to Judaism itself. This Passover "companion" for women will be useful to those who desire a new women's Haggadah and ritual or those who simply seek to better understand the feminist themes of the traditional liturgy. The essays address three key subjects: the Passover holiday, the biblical book of Exodus and the new tradition of women's seders. Vanessa Ochs contributes an essay on "setting a cup for Miriam," tracing the evolution of Miriam's cups at contemporary seders and discussing the importance of having a new ritual object for women. Like many of the other essays, Ochs's is enriched by her personal experiences of inaugurating new traditions for Passover; the book's best section, in fact, is one called "Telling Our Stories." |
![]() Songs of the Seder : A Music Book to Accompany the Passover Haggadah By Judith S. Rubenstein & Howard S. Rubenstein |
This compact and conveniently sized volume contains the music and lyrics of 23 Passover seder songs, prayers, and chants, and presents them in the order in which they appear in the seder. The book can therefore accompany any haggadah. The book contains traditional and contemporary melodies. The lyrics are in transliteration of Hebrew or Aramaic and also in English. The arrangements are in keys that are easy to sing and play, with chords for piano and guitar. Companion recordings, entitled "Songs of the Seder" by Judy Rubenstein, are available on cassette.
![]() Leading The Passover Journey: The Seder's Meaning Revealed, The Haggadah's Story Retold By Rabbi Nathan Laufer |
Enrich Your Passover Seder with Renewed Meaning and Significance.
Whether you are planning to participate in, contribute to, or lead a Passover Seder, Leading the Passover Journey will help you relive the Jewish People’s legacy of survival, hope, and redemption, and reconnect with the rich heritage celebrated in this special event. In this intriguing and enlightening exploration of the Passover Seder, Rabbi Nathan Laufer uncovers the hidden meaning of the Seder’s rituals and customs for everyone interested in or participating in a Seder. He insightfully brings an original, accessible, yet scholarly perspective to understanding the Haggadah text. Unlike other books on the Seder that offer only fragmentary insights into the Seder and the Haggadah, Leading the Passover Journey reveals a unifying theory connecting the fifteen pieces of the Seder and our own contemporary experiencing of the Passover story. Explaining the background and spiritual meaning of many customs and rituals we may have otherwise thought little about—from kadesh (the first cup of wine) to nirtzah (acceptance)—Rabbi Laufer helps you to develop a deeper understanding and a more passionate appreciation of the Passover Seder experience. Leading the Passover Journey will transform your family and friends from reluctant bystanders at the Passover Seder who repeatedly ask "When are we going to eat already?" to enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and active participants in our people’s journey toward redemption. |
![]() The Secrets of the Haggadah: A Commentary on the Passover Haggadah By Matityahu Glazerson |
The Haggadah, one of the best known texts of our sacred literature, is rich in meaning. Once again Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson has used his unique approach to uncover the exalted ideas that the words and letters of the holy language, Hebrew, convey. This approach is especially suited to the study of the Haggadah, for the holiday of Passover does not only symbolize our redemption, but is also symbolic of the holy language.
Pharaoh's underlying motive was to break down the barriers that separated the Jew from the Egyptian, thus effecting our spiritual downfall through assimilation. The sages teach that one of the reasons why the Jews in Egypt deserved to be redeemed was that they continued to speak Hebrew. In this way they guaranteed their distinctiveness and their sanctity. |